www.estallerderestauracion.com - C/ Sant Felip Neri, 1 - Palma de Mallorca - tf. 971 715 134/ 617 259 101 - info@estallerderestauracion.com |
Inside the studio, very close to Mercado del Olivar, we teach restoration in small groups. Each student takes an object of its choice to restore and receives personalized attention.
We mainly work with paintings and antique furniture, but also we are able to paint, restore golden plated frames or transform modern furniture.
In the studio “Es Taller” all material is available and included in the price of each session.
The pieces from the students can remain in the studio until the restoration is finished.
Class schedule:
Wednesdays from 10:30 to 14:00 and from 16:30 to 20:00 or by appointment.